About Us
Emerald Public Relations is the Hungarian affiliate of WPP’s Burson Cohn & Wolfe. The agency was founded by Zsofia Lakatos, former President and Member Emeritus of the Hungarian PR Association. Zsofia has over 20 years’ experience in Public Relations, she served as Managing Director of Hill+Knowlton Strategies in Hungary, also representing Ogilvy Public Relations.
The agency introduced a new structure in Hungary: young professionals with a fresh perspective on communication forming the core team as employees supported by a league of gurus from different PR backgrounds working as sub-contractors. The founder of the agency puts much emphasis on mentoring young people, offering Emerald PR as a first workplace for PR-graduates. The young professionals are backed by PR-gurus, who formerly served as PR and PA Directors of multinational companies.
Emerald PR has strategic partnerships with various ATL and BTL agencies to ensure that clients are offered a full spectrum of communication and we have very good working relationship with many agencies across Central and Eastern Europe.

Our Portfolio
The agency’s client list includes multinational brands like GE, MARS, Bunge, Forevermark, Tungsram-Schreder, Klepierre, Roland Berger, ABBYY, Liferay, Qualysoft, White Star Real Estate and UBM and also serves many Hungarian companies such as Columbus Klíma, Balla Ingatlan or H1 Systems. Besides the corporate clients, the agency supports various NGOs with pro-bono work. The list of civil organisations the agency supported in the past few years includes United Way, Mediaunio, Hungarian Reformed Church Aid, The Club of Budapest, Békaperspektíva, Nemluxustáska and Foundation for the Development of the Heim Pál Children’s Hospital, Oktondi and Karanténsuli. We believe it is our duty to help those who are in need to be heard.
Emerald PR has 3 spin-off companies that were founded for non-classical Public Relations services. Válság112 support companies with crisis management, Business Sustainability Program provides sustainability consultancy and Smaragd Akademia supports companies with finding the best training companies in the market.
Emerald PR
Zsofia Lakatos
Managing Director
+36 30 928 9647 Tel:
zsofia.lakatos@emeraldpr.hu Mail:
As Managing Director, Zsofia is responsible for strategic planning, excellent professional service and daily management of the agency. She serves as Senior Consultant on special projects. She is Member Emeritus and former President of the Hungarian Public Relations Association and member of the WCFA Global Advisory Board.
Zsofia has a degree in Public Relations from Budapest Business School and an MBA in Management from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics- She started her career as a reporter for RTL News. She worked as Director of Capital Communications, the leading financial communications agency in for 8 years. She served as Managing Director of Hill+Knowlton Strategies for over 7 years. She is a top crisis management and sustainability expert in Hungary, a frequent lecturer on the topic and owner of Valsag112 and BSP. She is fluent in English and Spanish.
Zsofia is an internationally acknowledged CSR-expert. Her book „Corporate Social Performance in Emerging Markets” was published in 2013 in London. The same year she was named the first „Professional Ambassador of Sustainability in Hungary.” In 2017 she was named Vice-President of Budapest Klub Global Executive Council. In 2021 she became Board Member of Clean Air Action Group.

Our references