
A smaragdszemű lány

A decemberi nap bágyadtan sütött be a Flatco albérlet ablakán. Anna jólesően nyújtózkodott az ágyban. „De szépet álmodtam” – mosolyodott el. Álmában Petivel, a szerelmével a Gundelben vacsoráztak, a fiú egyszer csak fél térdre ereszkedett és egy mesés Forevermark...

Why Corporate Social Responsibility is not PR

I am a 100% PR-person. I love my profession, my job is not really a job, for me it’s a hobby. Something that I enjoy doing 24/7. But about a decade ago part of my heart was taken by another acronym: CSR. An abbreviation of Corporate Social Responsibility. I immersed...

Reputation is priceless

BBJ Book of Lists article - Zsófia Lakatos believes that companies these days cannot afford to miss corporate PR During the crisis years, companies were forced to cut costs and the area first targeted – after sponsorship and charity – was corporate public relations....